No ambition is ever small

Our Programs

Science Fuse is on a mission to cultivate curiosity and wonder in adults and children alike! You have landed at the right spot if you are looking to make science an engaging experience. Explore through our wide range of customised informal science education programs.

We make Science an exciting experience for children; giving them skills and opportunities to improve their futures. Science Fuse wants to make sure that all children in Pakistan, irrespective of their gender & socioeconomic background, have access to world-class science education.

We curate fun, inspiring and relevant science learning engagements & educational resources. Students, teachers and communities can all benefit from our expertise.

What we offer?

STEM Programs For Organisations

We offer a wide array of programs aimed at students, teachers or employees to suit your organisation's needs.

STEM Programs for Families

For families and caregivers looking for fun and engaging learning opportunities for their children

Teaching Fellowship

Join the SF family if you wish to become a changemaker and contribute towards enhancing STEM education in Pakistan.

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Its not just about teaching..

Our Programs are

fun, inspiring and relevant science learning engagements & educational resources. Students, teachers and communities can all benefit from our expertise. We aim to improve scientific literacy, and ignite a strong passion for science in children.

Fun, interactive and hands-on

Inspirational STEM Experiences

Loved by children & Adults

Ignite the sense of wonder

Relevant to Pakistani Culture


Get In Touch. Get Involved.

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Thats the magnetic urge to contact us

We are here to answer any questions you may have about Science Fuse. Reach out to us and we’ll respond as soon as we can.